“Dear postpartum depression,
If you weren’t so ugly, I would have 10 more babies.
Dear postpartum depression,
You’ve been the toughest years of my life, to the point where I almost wanted to end it.
Dear postpartum depression,
You’re a cheat and a theif, and it’s so not cool that you’ve stole some (what would have been) very beautiful moments from me and my young family.
Dear postpartum depression,
Why do you feel the need to hit me at my most vulnerable state? Do I not already have enough to deal with at this whole thing call motherhood?
Dear postpartum depression,
You’re not welcome, and I’m here today to tell you that I’ve won! Stop trying to creep in, stop trying to make me feel like I’m nothing, stop making me feel so guilty at how I choose to mother my babies.
Dear postpartum depression,
Pack your bags, while you’re at it, pack all you’ve got cause I’m sending you to a place where you can no longer touch me.
Dear postpartum depression,
This is where we part! I survived! I’m a survivor. I’m a warrior mom!
Mamas out there, let’s recognize how to deal with these feelings and know how to treat them. I’m here to tell you, it’s not you… It’s PPD. Let’s talk!”