Has strong become the respectable face of skinny for young women? 1

Has strong become the respectable face of skinny for young women?

A generation of Instagram stars and personal trainers are challenging old-fashioned notions of femininity, replacing images of thinness or fecundity with brute strength. Whether this is healthy is another matter

Has strong become the respectable face of skinny for young women? 2

Has strong become the respectable face of skinny for young women?

A generation of Instagram stars and personal trainers are challenging old-fashioned notions of femininity, replacing images of thinness or fecundity with brute strength. Whether this is healthy is another matter

Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2018/jan/17/has-strong-become-respectable-face-skinny-for-young-women

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