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Category: Pharmacist Advice

The Importance of Polio and MMR Vaccinations

The Importance of Polio and MMR Vaccines Polio is a viral infection that was once widespread globally including Nigeria. However due to effective vaccination programs it has become less prevalent today than before. Unfortunately some countries still face challenges with accessibility of this lifesaving medication leading them unable to control poliovirus transmission effectively yet. Henceforth […]

Easy Medication Routine With Auto-Reorder & Save

Easy Medication Routine With Auto-Reorder & Save Do you find yourself constantly worrying about running out of medication? With The Asset Pharmacy’s automatic refill program, those worries are a thing of the past! Our team takes care of everything for you – from filling up prescriptions all day long until they arrive at your doorstep. […]

How Subscribe & Save Helps You Save Time and Money

How Subscribe & Save Helps You Save Time and Money Here’s the Easy Way to Save More and Get Your Critical Essentials Delivered to Your Door Tired of wasting time trying to find the best prices? With the cost of living continuing to rise, finding ways of saving both time and money are of utmost […]

10 Lifestyle Changes That Can Lower Your Blood Pressure and Improve Your Health

10 Lifestyle Changes That Can Lower Your Blood Pressure and Improve Your Health Do you know your blood pressure? A lot of people don’t, and that’s a problem. High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of death in Nigeria, and it can be prevented by making some simple lifestyle changes. In this blog […]

Haemorrhoids – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment And Prevention

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Haemorrhoids – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment And Prevention What is Haemorrhoids? Haemorrhoids, also known as piles, are swellings containing enlarged blood vessels that are found inside or around the bottom (the anus and also anus) . What are the Symptoms of Haemorrhoids? Oftentimes, haemorrhoids do not trigger signs and symptoms, as well as some people […]

Foods to boost your mood, now that you really need it

(CNN)It’s all too simple to reach for home cooking when feeling distressed or stressed out. omega-3 polyunsaturated fats … can lead to significant advantages for the basic population.” “Those who take in adequate quantities of the omega-3 fat DHA are less susceptible to aggressiveness, hostility and anxiety,” according to signed up dietitian Elizabeth Somer, author […]

Royals back coronavirus mental health campaign

“By gathering and taking easy actions every day, we can all be much better gotten ready for the times ahead.” The Cambridges have actually taken a close interest in the problem and in 2016 released the Heads Together project, in addition to the Duke of Sussex, focused on ending the preconception around psychological health. Coronavirus: […]

Healthy Isolation Snacks To Help Avoid The Quarantine 15 | Betches

Welcome to the brand-new typical, where we’re all funemployed or “working” from house and can’t remember what it’s like to go to breakfast or engage with other individuals. This is what all of us desired: to cancel strategies permanently and never ever leave your home. Now that our golden chance has actually shown up, we’re […]

4 Stories Of Ignorant People Who Ended Up Sick Or Dead From Coronavirus

Unfortunately, there are a great deal of undecided “ realities ” and littles phony news drifting around the web about Covid-19. Some individuals completely think these scams and even assist spread them. Which can have unsafe (and often even lethal) effects. One individual who believed that the coronavirus was phony altered their tune after they […]

Africa’s Huge Locust Swarms Are Growing at the Worst Time

As the coronavirus pandemic blew up throughout the world previously this year, another a lot more obvious pester was tearing through East Africa: locusts . The starved little monsters are especially keen on carbs like grains, a staple of subsistence farmers throughout the continent. Back in January, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) anticipated […]