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Day: 2 November 2018

How church communities can help lower African-Americans’ blood pressure

(CNN)Amanda Hoyte-Badu was unsure how she would be perceived by a group of people a lot older than her. In her role as a lay health adviser, she was leading a session of mostly over-60-years-olds at Nazarene Congregational United Church of Christ in Brooklyn, New York. Her leadership role was part of a new study […]

Fighting Climate Change Is Not Hopeless And Here’s What You Can Do To Help

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC)’s Special Report was released recently and everything appears extremely doom and gloom. The important takeaway is that we MUST limitation worldwide warming to 1.5° C above pre-Industrial levels to avoid disastrous damage, 0.5° C listed below the existing target of 2° C# AEEEE. . The science of […]