1. Try to speak up more about how I feel.
2. Stop second guessing/doubting myself.
3. Eat better.
4. Practice self-love.
5. Stop comparing myself to others.
6. Be more sociable.
7. Try at least one new recipe a week.
8. Drink less beer.
9. Move on from my shitty relationship.
10. Take better care of myself physically and mentally.
11. Try to be happier in life overall.
12. Read a book a week.
13. Commit to a healthier, greener lifestyle.
14. Follow through and do what I say I will.
15. Make an attempt at romance.
16. Be more active on my professional social media platforms.
17. Procrastinate less.
18. Stop comparing myself to other people at the gym.
19. Stop using “like” where it isn’t supposed to be.
20. Minimize my pessimism.
21. Learn one more language.
22. Learn how to enjoy my own company.
23. Become more motivated.
24. Hangout with friends more often.
25. Pay off a good chunk of my student loans.
26. Cut down on my cursing.
27. Be confident.
28. Spend more time with family.
29. Improve my endurance and gain more muscle.
30. Say no to things I don’t want to do.
31. Do things so I don’t have to worry about “what if”
32. Keep trying to find new and better coping mechanisms.
33. Improve on grooming.
34. Finish all unfinished projects.
35. Get into activism or volunteering.
36. Join a local sports team.
37. Polish my handwriting skills.
38. Run a marathon.
39. Set up a budget.
40.Say yes to more things.
41. Stop taking on favors
42. Stop relying so heavily on self deprecation to get laughs.
43. Manage my anxiety better.
44. Start my career.
45. Be less sad.
46. Have a diet and consistent exercise regimen.
47. Get a real career, be more productive, try.
48. Travel more!
49. Don’t give up at uni.
50. Find a hobby I am passionate about.
51. Be nice to bugs/spiders.
52. Make at least one or two friends.
53.Get a job in my field.
54. Continue to improve myself in the ways I’ve already started.
55. Write down something I’m grateful for everyday.
56. Be brave enough to be vulnerable around other people.
57. Work more on my anger.
58. Get my core section in shape.
59. Use my daily planner more.
60. Waste less food.
61. Save enough money in order to buy my own apartment.
62. Get a 4.0 the rest of the semester to come.
63. Try to do more with my life.
64. Talk to that girl I like more often.
65. Stay at a job I really like.
66. No nicotine.
67. Be a better person.
68. No bread.
69. Cut back on soda.
70. Be kinder to myself.
71. Get over him.
72. Lose weight.
73. Buy something for my apartment every month.
74. Learn how to be confident without automatically defaulting to cockiness.
75. Give up smoking
76. No shit talking/gossiping.
77. Go outside more.
78. Learn to cook.
79. Hike a mountain, even a small one.
80. Take one picture (of anything) a day.
81. 30 minutes of yoga every day.
82. Try to ask the girl of my dreams on a date.
83. Find my identity.
84. Take up running.
85. Quit smoking weed.
86. Actually tell people when something’s wrong.
87. Go to the gym. Everyday.
88. Get some counseling.
89. Finish learning to drive.
90. Improve my tablet skills.
91. Write down one thing I learned every day of the year.
92. Get more serious about life.
93. Lead by example.
94. Communicate more with my parents.
95. Get muscles.
96. Save some money.
97. Refrain from sugar.
98. Deal with annoying people less.
99. Move out of my parent’s house.
100. Survive.