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Rationality Vs Instinct: I Illustrated Why You Fail Your Diet In A Funny Comic

Rationality Vs Instinct: I Illustrated Why You Fail Your Diet In A Funny Comic

Why is it, that while I comprehend completely how bad fried food is, I will ALWAYS discover a factor to get at that lukewarm batch of fried chicken from the filling station? After feasting on the coma causing “ treat ” I relax and question why the hell I would do this to myself. I need to understand much better.

It ends up that I do understand much better, it’ s simply that the primitive parts of my mind are much, much more powerful than the thinking parts of my mind. We may think about factor as the errand kid for our advises. With sufficient pressure from our primitive brain, the errand young boy will give up and discover any factor to make the primitive brain pleased.

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