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Fitness Trainer Illustrates Everyday Problems Of Girls Who Are Struggling To Stay In Shape (30 Pics)

Fitness Trainer Illustrates Everyday Problems Of Girls Who Are Struggling To Stay In Shape (30 Pics)

Some promises seem harder to keep and that is certainly the case with developing a routine of a healthy and active lifestyle. Putting those cookies aside in favor of a healthier diet is no easy feat. We have all been there at some point in our lives.

Trying to stay fit is a harsh lover that requires many sacrifices and most importantly, patience when waiting for results. Internet-famous fitness trainer Cassey Ho knows very well the struggles of fitness and in a very light-hearted way, she illustrates them as comics for an audience as large as 1.5M followers on her Instagram.

Have you seen our previous article about Cassey Ho where she shows how a ‘perfect body’ looked throughout history?

Scroll down and see if any of the situations are relatable to you!


Fitness Trainer Illustrates Everyday Problems Of Girls Who Are Struggling To Stay In Shape (30 Pics) 1

Cassey Ho is an American social media fitness entrepreneur with a YouTube channel and a website that sells fitness apparel. She is considered an Internet personality and a rising YouTube star nationally and internationally (h/t: wikipedia).


Fitness Trainer Illustrates Everyday Problems Of Girls Who Are Struggling To Stay In Shape (30 Pics) 2

“I realize now that I am not just an instructor at a gym, but that I am a role model and leader in the fitness industry. It is my responsibility to do whatever I can to help people get healthier while feeling confident and happy in their body. If a girl can look in the mirror, can love what she sees while still working hard to be a better version of herself than she was yesterday then I have accomplished my goal” – says Cassey.



Fitness Trainer Illustrates Everyday Problems Of Girls Who Are Struggling To Stay In Shape (30 Pics) 3

Cassey believes that the problem with exercising begins when people do it solely for physical vanity or for creating a sense of worth. The whole fitness journey should serve the purpose of improving your body in a healthy way. It’s important to dig deep to find the joy in working out. It might be a passion for running, dancing, or doing Pilates. Whatever it might be, so long as you like it, it may as well become a part of your daily routine.



Fitness Trainer Illustrates Everyday Problems Of Girls Who Are Struggling To Stay In Shape (30 Pics) 4

She believes that social media and in particular, social fitness media has an important role to play in helping people achieve their fitness and healthy lifestyle goals. This is especially true for people who lack family and friends to provide that support.

Cassey believes that YouTube has an important role to play in issues concerning body image. In her view, body image is shaped by the “perfect” images of women in magazines and movies and when women and girls pursue these “perfect” body images, the result can sometimes be eating and body image disorders. She believes that YouTube provides content creators with a platform to present girls and women as they really are which she believes will encourage them to be more confident in who they are.

(h/t: wikipedia).


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