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Depression and Anxiety : What Can You Do?

Depression and Anxiety : What Can You Do?


Depression and Anxiety: What Can You Do?

Depression and anxiety are two of the most common mental health disorders in Nigeria. They affect people of all ages, genders, and social backgrounds. In fact, depression is now considered to be the leading cause of disability in Nigeria. Despite this, there is a lot of misinformation and stigma surrounding mental health disorders. New data suggests that depression rates may be on the rise, especially in young people. It’s important to break down the myths and misconceptions about depression and other mental health disorders so that more people can get help. Here are some key points to remember:

– Depression is a real and serious mental health disorder. It should not be taken lightly or dismissed as “just being sad.”

– Depression can affect anyone, regardless of age, race, or gender.

– depression can lead to long-term social, criminal, and economic outcomes if left untreated.

– There is no one cause of depression. It can be caused by a variety of factors including genetics, environment, lifestyle choices, etc.

– depression can be treated with therapy and/or medication. If you think you may be suffering from depression, please see a doctor for help. Don’t suffer in silence!

Linking diet to depression

Though the study of diet and mental illness is new, there are growing bits to suggest that better quality diets can reduce one’s risk for depression. In PREDIMed researchers were examining whether adopting Mediterranean-style foods would help prevent cardiovascular events in older adults – so they could avoid having any problems with their blood vessels or hearts altogether! The results showed this was true too; following these healthy habits seemed like an effective way toward wellness both mentally and physically.

Pregnancy and poor diet

Depression and Anxiety and pregnancy

When it comes to pregnancy and diet, poor choices can have serious effects on your baby’s development. Mothers who eat processed foods were found by researchers in this study associated with higher levels of behaviors linked to mental disorders amongst their child’s later life journey; The research showed how important early experiences are when looking at behavioral markers for healthy or not so much ( Mental Health Articles ). The researchers also saw that the diets of children in their first few years were associated with behavioral markers for mental
health. This is consistent with animal experiments where feeding unhealthy diets to pregnant animals resulted in many changes to the brain and behavior in the offspring. This is very important to understand if we want to prevent mental disorders in the first place.

Widespread inflammation

 Anxiety affects your sleep

When we think of mental illness, it’s often just the brain that comes to mind. But there are other parts of your body involved in depression too – and one big reason for this is because researchers now believe their immune system can become compromised during periods where you’re feeling down or unhappy! Depression isn’t only something happening inside our heads; instead what happens across different parts goes into drastic remission when treated correctly through therapy.

There are many different nutrients that can be found in a healthy diet, but some foods might not be best for everyone. For example saturated fats and refined sugars have been shown to negatively affect our brain protein which protects the living cells of your entire system against oxidative stress – this includes both damaged tissue as well new neurons growing outwards from their original area rather than upwards towards growth!

Healthy Diets

There are many healthy diets and all of them have one thing in common – they consist mainly of food that we ate before the industrial revolution. The foods from this time period were fresh, unprocessed, and led to a more balanced diet with plenty of plant-based fiber, whole grains, nuts, fish, lean red meat and healthy fats. In today’s world where processed convenience foods rule on store shelves it is important for us to remember what our ancestors knew about eating well.

Eating nutritiously has been shown to be good for both your mental health as well as physical wellbeing so take some time out of your day to make sure you eat right!

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Please feel free to contact the Asset Pharmacy pharmacist for advice and more information about this or any other health-related problems.