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Category: Blood pressure

Lewis Hamilton: How veganism helped the F1 world champion to glory

(CNN)Since Lewis Hamilton became vegan, weekends have not been the same for the four-time Formula One world champion. Never has he woken with such anticipation and expectation. “It’s exciting when you’ve gone the whole year not having them, but now I’m having them every weekend and they still taste amazing. “It’s crazy. I’m not putting […]

Type of alcohol determines whether you become merry or maudlin study

Spirits are related to self-confidence and red wine is connected to relaxation and scientists hope findings will assist individuals think about alcohols psychological results While enjoying alcohol can motivate pleasant merrymaking in some, for others it can result in a tearful journey to the bottom of the glass. When drinking might be connected to their […]

Big Tobacco’s court-ordered ads make their debut

(CNN)A wave of brand-new tobacco advertisements is prepared to be relayed throughout prime-time tv and released in papers this weekend, however they aren’t promoting exactly what you may anticipate. In 1999, the Justice Department submitted a suit versus the nation’s biggest cigarette producers and tobacco trade companies, declaring civil scams and racketeering offenses throughout more […]

5 things for November 20: Manson, Mugabe, Mueller, Trump, Tambor

(CNN)Plan to travel this Thanksgiving week? Betcha desire you might profit of this $850 million financial investment in aircraft beds . Here’s exactly what else you require to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door . (You can likewise get “5 Things You Need to Know Today” provided to your inbox daily. Sign up […]

Want to live longer? Get a dog

(CNN)The advantages that feature owning a pet dog are clear– exercise, assistance, friendship– however owning a pet might actually be conserving your life For individuals living alone, owning a pet dog can reduce their danger of death by 33% and their threat of cardiovascular associated death by 36%, when compared with single people without a […]

Quickly catch up on the day’s news: Friday, November 17

(CNN)Here’s exactly what you may have missed on CNN today:

Sex rarely causes hearts to stop, research says

(CNN)It’s a familiar scene in TELEVISION melodramas: Mid-intercourse, an older guy collapses, clutching his heart. Sex and abrupt heart arrest hardly ever occur together, according to initial research study provided Sunday at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2017. “On average in the United States, just 10% or less in fact endure a heart attack,” […]

FDA moves to revoke soy health claim

(CNN)The United States Food and Drug Administration brought into question Monday the authorized health claim that soy protein minimizes heart problem danger. For customers, the FDA’s relocation does not alter the nature of soy or its possible function as a vegetarian option to animal protein, composed Linda Van Horn, teacher and chief of nutrition in […]

Nearly half of Americans now have high blood pressure, based on new guidelines

(CNN)Tens of millions more Americans now have hypertension. Almost half of all Americans– 46%– are now thought about to be in the hypertension classification based upon brand-new standards launched Monday. Practicing doctors and the general public are “going to be a bit stunned or shocked by a medical diagnosis of Stage 1 high blood pressure […]

Bill Gates’ newest mission: Curing Alzheimer’s

(CNN)It’s one of the holy grails of science: a remedy for Alzheimer’s. Presently, there is no treatment to stop the illness, not to mention slow its development. And billionaire Bill Gates believes he will alter that. “Any kind of treatment would be a big advance from where we are today,” he stated, however “the long-lasting […]