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Category: Health Tips

The top US tech stories of 2017: the utopian dream comes to an end

Scandal at Uber, the backlash against Facebook, smartphone addiction: west coast editor Merope Mills shares the Guardian stories that captured the mood The utopian dream of Silicon Valley is no more 2017 made sure of that. Every month has brought fresh scandal to the titans of the industry, from Russian interference to sexual harassment; from […]

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Really Help You Lose Weight? An Investigation

For as long as actually anybody can keep in mind, there have actually been claims that apple cider vinegar, the shit I utilize in my salad dressing, can assist you slim down. Due to the fact that I’ ve found out that I shouldn’ t think whatever I keep reading the web– no matter how […]

Breaking news: why does Hollywood gloss over the world of magazine journalism?

While Steven Spielbergs drama once again venerates the guys who report the news, movie theater still depicts publication workplaces as the world of shallow, disgraceful females A s a publication reporter, it’s tough to get away the sensation that individuals think about feature-writing a lower art than tough news. You just have to take a […]

Bridgegate to Beachgate to Bruce: Chris Christie’s most memorable moments

(CNN)While New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie certainly had his reasonable share of low and high throughout his 8 years as guv, typically his huge character got the spotlight. Here is a round-up of a few of his most remarkable minutes as guv: Read more:

Tom Segura tries to tackle some of the issues Dave Chappelle stumbled on

It’s a packed time to be a directly, male standup. In an age where Time’s Up, #MeToo, and reports of sexual misbehavior control the culture, it can seem like overkill to go to and take a seat with a spotlight on one particular male viewpoint for a whole hour. This enormous sea modification has actually […]

Has strong become the respectable face of skinny for young women?

A generation of Instagram stars and personal trainers are challenging old-fashioned notions of femininity, replacing images of thinness or fecundity with brute strength. Whether this is healthy is another matter Fitness Wed 17 Jan 2018 01.00EST Share on Twitter View more sharing options Share on Pinterest Share on WhatsApp Cult of muscle … young women […]

The President is overweight and doesn’t exercise much, like most Americans

(CNN)President Donald Trump’s physician, Dr. Ronny Jackson, defined the president’s health as “outstanding,” however like most of Americans, Trump is obese and he does not get enough workout. He is not alone. Inning accordance with the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, more than one in 3 grownups were thought about to be obese and […]

Start a new (good) habit, kill an old (bad) one

(CNN)Odds are, you are attempting to break a bad routine or institute a great one today. As a types, we are remarkably devoted to self-improvement, and the majority of us think that routines are a reliable methods to that end. “Habit is a bad master however a great servant” is how author Gretchen Rubin summed […]

Golfer banned after testing positive for prohibited substance in weight loss spray

(CNN)On November 30, Brad Fritsch got a text that made his heart sink. In early November, not long after his 40th birthday, the Canadian chosen to make some extreme health modifications. READ: The female golf caddy that dominated Augusta Deer antler spray In 2013, Fijian golf player Vijay Singh stated in an interview with Sports […]

Chris Paisley wins maiden European Tour title … with wife’s helping hand

(CNN)Chris Paisley’s first European Tour title was made even more unique thanks to the caddy he had by his side. Keri, who Paisley incredibly confessed “does not understand that much about golf,” was caddying for her partner for the very first time, as he completed at the South African Open Championship. With house preferred Branden […]