Scholl Pocket Ballerina Flat 37 – 38

Scholls new Party Feet Pocket Ballerina flats fold up neatly in a woman’s handbag, ready to use at any time to provide immediate relief and comfort from the pain of high heels. They are the must-have accessory for when you just can’t stand to wear heels anymore.

Colour: Black



Availability: In Stock
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Scholl Party Feet Pocket Ballerina flats can be used to relieve tired feet in a variety of circumstances, including late night party emergencies, after long days in high heels, during all day shopping, while driving to work or when traveling light.

Although designed for short-term wear only, they display the usual trademark Scholl features including padded full-length insoles for improved comfort, elastic trim for a better fit and a re-sealable pouch that is both lightweight and compact to aid transportation.

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